Friday, April 10, 2009

tag...answer 35 question

1. Who was last ur sms from?
my hubby ( hai my sayang )

2. Where was ur pic taken?

last at home..

3. Your relationship status?


4. Have u ever lost a close frenz?

yes did....

5. What is ur current mood?

boring,sleepy,excited also tomorrow saturday(holiday)...

6. What is ur brother name?
i got which one...i give all la harvin,sukvin,arjan,amar,kalvin

7. What is ur fav colour?


8. Where do u wish you were right now?

at home with my hubby n son

9. Have a crazy side?

yes...bad anger

10. Ever had a near death experience?


11. Sumthing u do a lot?

my husband says i nag alot...

12. Angry at anyone?

right now no..

13. What's stopping u form going the person u like?

14. When was the last time u cried? hubby dont take me out for makan..

15. Is there anyone u would do anything 4?

ya for my son...want give him good education.

16. What do u think about when u r falling asleep?

tmrw work

17. Who was the last person u talked to on the phone?

my mum

18. What r ur fav song?

dont really have

19. What r u doing right now?

sitting in front of pc at office

20. Who do u trust right now?
do i trust anyone??

21. Where did u get the shirt u r wearing?

its a new shirt i just buy last week

22. Have u kissed someone in the past week?

everydady,my son n my hubby

23. What is ur lucky number?

how to know that number lucky for me or not??

24. Who r ur frenz that r closes to u?

closes...i dont think so i have closes...

25. Describe ur life in the world?


26. Who r u thingking of right now?

my son

27. What should u be doing right now?


28. If u could wish 4 sumthing over a birthday cake right now what would it b?

i want to have happy family,n earn alot...want to become rich

29. What r u listening to?

nothing,my off always very quiet

31. Who was the last person yelled at u?

my hubby

32. Do u act differently around the person u look like?

yes...i do

33. What is ur natural hair colour?

dark brown

34. Who was the last person that make u laugh?

my son,he's smile n laugh make me laugh aslo..